Friday 24 April 2015

Spartan - Drawings & Concept Art

I wanted to design a fierce warrior from history - and that is why I picked a Spartan to draw and then later on model. Looking through reference I realised that Spartans weren't portrayed as they are in movies (almost always topless), but instead with very precise and specific armour.

To begin I looked at images of historical artifacts of weapons and armour but also other drawings and interpretations of what a Spartan would look like. After gathering all my reference I began to plan what my character would be wearing.

To begin work I started with a rough sketch of the position and pose of my character. I then started to add the pieces of the armour that I will be using and also the shield and spear. I did a very basic lighting setup in the background just to get an idea of where to use shadows and lighting.

Next I touched up the background a bit, adding used swords spears and flying arrows. I also went back to the original sketch and went over it, changing and refining the details as I went. The bold lines will help me later on when it comes to rendering the details and colours.

I began shading, I was just using default brushes in photshop while constantly pressing the alt key to grab existing colours so that I could achieve a smooth transition of colours rather than it looking inconsistent.

I started on working on colours at this point. My method of colouring was to do the shading originally in black and white and then use colours on new layers with layer modes such as overlay and color to achieve the colours I want. I also painted in the cape which is extremely important to this piece because of the strong contrast and sense of movement.

Finally I worked on the main part of the helmet and added in a face, although the face isn't seen much it's important to get a feel of the expression of the character. In this case, I wanted his face to show that he's struggling but determined.

Finally, I added the rest of the helmet and went on to touching up the whole piece. I made a new layer and applied an image so I could work on one layer now without switching back and forth between old layers.

Finally I sharpened, added some brightness/contrast and also curves/levels. This gave me the final outcome of this concept art.

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